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tv   The Early Show  CBS  July 19, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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time. now look at him. >> the hoodlums got away with $200. no one was hurt. have a great day. >> caption colorado, llc good morning. rupert murdoch is on the hot seat before members of parliament this morning and answering questions about his newspaper's hacking into thousands of cell phones and saying this is the most huvenl day of my life. we will look at the rise' possible fall of this media giant. a denver air traffic controller is accuse of being drunk on the job and talking to planes in the area and now a federal investigation is under way and he has been suspended. we will bring you the latest. a deadly heat wave is blamed for at least 13 deaths as 40 states reach 90 and higher and 60 million americans battle this summer scorcher. now it may only get worse and we are going to bring you the forecast and tell you when things may finally break. and the u.s. women's soccer team returns home from the world cup.
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we will talk with some of the players with the run to the finals and their heartbreaking loss and what is next for the team. it's happening "early" this tuesday morning, july 19th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs what you're seeing is happening live. a few minutes ago, rupert murdoch entered this committee room. there is his son james. members of britain's parliament are asking he and his son james about reported wrongdoing by his newspaper including cell phone hacking and police payoffs. good morning. we are live at 7:00 a.m. on the west coast. i'm rebecca jarvis in for erica hill. >> i'm chris wragge. this is producing interests facts between murdoch's newspapers and scotland yards. >> the british tabloid schedule and unprecedented day for the owner at the center of it.
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elizabeth palmer is outside parliament with the latest. >> reporter: as you said, the murdochs have been testifying in front of what is technically a committee on media culture and sport. but i can tell you that the atmosphere around here is much more like a cross between epic drama and an imposition. the set for this drama, the splendor of britain's westminster parliament. the star of the show, media titan rupert murdoch. as investors around the world hanging on his every word and gesture. he is used to giving orders and not answering questions especially from politicians who until recently held him in either awe or terror. >> this is the most humble day of my life. >> reporter: by his side, his son james, the senior executive in the murdoch family empire. >> the company has admitted liability to victims of illegal voice mail interceptions, has apologized unreservedly, which i repeat today, to those victims,
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and the company also set up a compensation scheme independently managed by a former high court judge. >> reporter: he is known to have authorized payments to phone hacking victims on conditions that they keep quiet. after the murdochs, their former british ceo rebekah brooks will face the committee. brooks, as editor of "news of the world" newspaper when the hacking was taking place was a hands-on manager. >> rebekah brooks knows the answers to all of these questions. she knows who knew what about what payments, when. she knows everything. >> reporter: however, brooks may not say very much today because she was arrested over the weekend and though out on bail now, will be acutely aware she's involved in a criminal inquiry. now, the murdochs are still speaking to the committee and what we have heard so far indicates they are going to say that they did not know what was going on at the company, that they, themselves, as executives,
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were misled. >> elizabeth palmer in london, thanks. joining "uss is lanny davis who is special counsel to president bill clinton in the white house. we have been watching this unfold the last half hour or spoke. now, all of a sudden, you have rupert murdoch coming out and saying this is the most humble day of his life. he is striking the right tone here? could he be doing anything differently in your view? >> the answer he is striking the right tone and he could be doing a lot differently. he starts out by being humble, which is good and necessary. and his son takes responsibility, which is necessary in crisis management. but what is missing is their defense were cooperating with the police, which is not the question. the question is why didn't you investigate immediately, get to the bottom of it yourselves, rather than waiting to get caught? and then after you got caught, how is it possible that you didn't know about it and even
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after the conviction of somebody for blackmail, mr. murdoch said he didn't each know that. the real question in crisis management for mr. murdoch and for his son is to be proactive, not in words, but in deeds and they haven't done that yet. >> and what rupert murdoch said, just before this committee a few moments ago, is that it wasn't an excuse, but "news of the world" is less than 1% of his company. is that something that an argument can be made around that it's such a small and tiny portion of his business, that he shouldn't have to know what is happening there? >> well, yes, to extent, there is some truth. somebody who runs a large organization isn't going to know everything, but when somebody is convicted of a high crime like blackmail and you know that it could go deeper, as the chief executive, as the chairman, i think both he and his son have to explain why they didn't conduct their own investigation. and, right now, what they should
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be doing is doing exactly that and promising to polish the results of that investigation. i think they are doing a good job now in trying to catch up to the story, but i think they are just one inch shy of doing the right thing from the crisis management standpoint. >> they should internally do an investigation. >> yes. >> not just aid the police in their investigation of the company. in terms of criminal liability, what kind of criminal liability does rupert murdoch, his son james, and rebekah brooks face at this point? >> in violating privacy rights and computer invasion and intrusion are serious felonies in the united states. you can go to prison, if not only you do it, but if complicit. what the murdochs have to now risk is criminal involvement because they looked the other way. if they had enough knowledge. their lawyers have to advise them on that. from the public scientistandpoi. be more proactive and not use
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they were relying on police as their major strategy. >> lanny davis, appreciate your sharing your thoughts with us today. thank you. >> thank you. >> here is chris. this morning, a disturbing story out of denver where an air traffic controller accused working -- excuse me in talking to the pilots on the air while he was legally drunk. bob orr has the latest now from washington. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning, chris. air traffic controllers around the country are already under fire for a series of lapses on the job and this undoubtedly will bring more outrage. cbs news has now confirmed a controller in denver has been sent home after failing a drug and alcohol test. the controller in question reportedly a veteran and former union rep worked at the denver air route traffic control center. a busy facility responsible for almost 300,000 simpar miles of air space on nine states. on july 5th the unidentified controller was tested through his shift directing live air
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traffic. the faa will not disclose his blood alcohol level but since removed from duty. if the allegations against him on true the latest in a string of disturbing incidents. earlier this year, at least nine controllers were investigated for various transgressions. among them, february 19th, a controller is found intentionally sleeping in the radar room in knoxville, tennessee. forcing colleagues to assume his duties. that offender has since been fired. march 23rd, a controller at reagan national airport in washington, his suspended for failure to respond to two incoming planes. working his fourth overnight shift told investigators he inadvertently fell asleep. april 11th, boeing field terminated after twice falling asleep on duty the next day a controller found sleeping in reno tahoe airport. a regional controller steps in to guide the traffic eventually. as for this new denver case, we have no indication at this time that the suspended controller
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was involved in any kind of problem or incident with airplanes he was handling the night he was removed from duty. but impairment is a serious safety issues and if investigators determine he was under drugs or alcohol, he almost certainly will be fired. >> bob orr in washington, thank you. now to the scorching heat that has been blanketing much of the nation this week. newton, iowa, yesterday, forecasters say it felt like 126 degrees outside. thanks to the deadly heat wave that almost stretches from coast-to-coast this morning. leeann tailor has the latest from hard-hit oklahoma and totv. >> reporter: five months ago we were dealing with two feet of snow and temperatures glow zero. now we are dealing with just the opposite. excessive heat warnings. now issued through the end of this week. a dangerous heat wave continues to grip america's midsection with temperatures set to reach
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triple digits in tulsa the next five days. the oppressive temperatures have caused roads to buckle and sent residents scrambling to find relief. in oklahoma city, it is the 28th day of 100 plus temperatures. as many as 13 deaths have been attributed to the extreme temperatures that stretch from texas to minnesota to ohio and the heat is expected to stick around through the week as it moves east. >> it's really too hot. what they say? it's supposed to be 107? >> feels like 07. >> feel like 207 in them houses. >> no air-conditioning? >> no air-conditioning. >> reporter: in minneapolis, the heat and humidity made it feel like 110 degrees by mid-day. many were being warned to keep their outdoor exposure to a minimum. park workers in milwaukee will be checking on the elderly this week to make sure they stay school. part of a program started after several seniors died during a heat wave 16 years ago. >> stay hydrated and not overextending yourself.
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>> reporter: believe it or not it's not the bitter cold but the high stocky prolonged heat waves like this that veteran larry carrier john hubner dreads the most. >> this to me is the worst it is. >> mid july the worst heat wave in five years and no relief in sight. and since the first of july, 15 of the last 18 days we have seen temperatures at 100 or above and today's forecasted high is 103. our emergency crews here in tulsa are reporting that they are seeing twice as many heat related illness than this time last year. >> leanne taylor, thank you. a deadline to avoid default is being talked about. so far, washington no deal. markets jittery in the u.s. and some are concerns the combination could form a perfect storm for a market drop. in washington, talks, but still no vote.
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cbs news congressional correspondent nancy cordes has the latest from capitol hill. take all of that in? it's a lot. >> reporter: it is pretty scary, chris. now the house and senate are working on their own plans just in case a white house deal doesn't materialize, that deal does appear to be in bad shape right now. but these backup plans being worked on in congress have their own steep hurdles. today, house republicans hold a vote on their alternative. tying an increase in the debt limit to something they call. >> cut, cap and balance. >> reporter: the conservative cut, cap, and balance bill would cut government spending down to 2004 levels and cap it there. they are also calling for a balanced budget amendment locking congress from spending more it takes in. >> right now the united states congress is writing post-dated checks on an overdrawn account. >> reporter: the bill may pass the house but blocked in the democrat controlled senate. white house has threatened to veto it. >> it would essentially require the dismantlement of our social
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safety net, social security and medicare and medicaid. >> reporter: they are joining forces on their own plan which they call a last resort, giving the president the power to raise the debt ceiling incrementally as long as he has spending cuts to offset the new debt. >> we will stay in session every day including saturdays and sundays to prevent us from defaulting on our obligation. >> reporter: it would have a bipartisanship commission of lawmakers and propose more spending cuts and entitlement reforms for congress to vote on by the end of the year. the plan infuriates conservative house members who wanted major cuts up front. >> if mcconnell plan doesn't work -- i wasn't elected to do nothing to kick the can down the road. >> reporter: the cut, cap, and balance bill he and his house republican colleagues will be voting on today was proposed by the most conservative members of the house but it moved front and center when it looked like the white deal was falling apart.
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house republicans know it won't get any support from democrats in the senate but at least this way, they will be able to say, we tried. chris? >> nancy, if both backup plans fail, then what? >> reporter: you mean what is the backup to the backup? >> yes. >> reporter: right now, chris, nobody seems to know. they are just very focused on trying to deal with these pieces of legislation. the problem, of course, is that if both of them fail, we are then looking at next week when we finally know the answer to that and nobody seems to know what the next push is. where they can go from here to get a deal done by august 2nd. >> cbs' nancy cordes on capitol hill, thanks so much. we will wait for the backup plan to see if they don't like the backup plan, then a backup plan to that. >> plan d an e and if. >> i'll always back you guys up if you need. >> here is jeff glor with more headlines. another giant dust storm in arizona. a wall of dust rolled through phoenix yesterday about 3,000 feet high.
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it cut visibility to under a quarter of a mile. some airline flights were delayed. a similar storm hit phoenix two weeks ago. this morning, pope deny addict accepted the resignation of the archbishop of philadelphia cardinal justin rigali who is accused of covering up a long sex abuse scandal. secretary of state hillary clinton is in deli, india, this morning. she said today she is encouraged by talks between india and pakistan. both nuclear nations and long time riflvals. u.s. acknowledge they met with gadhafi's regime a meeting that took place last saturday. the u.s. has not said where it happened. three senior u.s. diplomats were involved. they said they gave a clear message gadhafi must step down. "atlantis" heading home for the last time this this morning. it undocked from the international space station and
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took photo of its fly-around. it is scheduled to land on thursday which ends 30 years of shuttle missions. u.s. women's soccer team back home this morning. hundreds of fans greeted them as they rolled into times square. they lost in a heartbreaker to japan on sunday. a game that, by the way, help set a global twitter record of over 7,000 tweet
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thanks to much. that is your latest weather. good morning. i'm not trying to move cities to different state. i'm just a little sleepy. >> raleigh would be beautiful no matter what state it's in. >> exactly. >> you're a very powerful woman so not saying you couldn't do it if you tried. thank you so much. after japan's nuclear
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disaster, a new focus on nuclear safety in the united states. >> cbs news investigates a power plant in tennessee with a history of safety problems. we are going to tell you what we uncovered when we come back. this is "the early show" on cbs. are choosing advil. here's one story. [ george ] my name is george. i switched to advil six months ago. i love golf. but i have knee pain, hip pain, back pain and pain in my hands. advil is definitely my pain reliever of choice. it covers all, and i'm a walking testament. you may not know it to look at me, but i can dance too! [ chuckles ] [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil. but they'd rather they disappear.
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coming up, there are nuclear power critics out there who say that it is not a matter of if, but when a meltdown like the one that happened in japan will occur right here in this country. >> cbs news chief investigative correspondent armen keteyian visited one plant in tennessee, where a recent inspection revealed a long list of disturbing safety breaches. he'll show us what's going on with that and one woman's crusade to make the plant safer. this is "the early show" on cbs. this portion of "the early show" sponsored by at&t. rethink possible.
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frank mallicoat grace lee..... a happy ending to an all- night good morning. it's 7:25. i'm grace lee. we start off with some good news. there was a happy ending to an all-night search in san francisco bay. a 62-year-old windsurfer was apparently all right after being in the bay stranded for about 13 hours. she was rescued near the san mateo bridge an hour and a half ago. the search began around 7:00 last night when her husband reported her missing near foster city. a town hall meeting planned in san francisco's bayview tomorrow. the subject, last weekend's deadly shooting of a man police say fired at them first. investigators are still trying to determine whether a gun that was found nearby was involved. cisco systems confirms it is laying off 6500 workers. san jose's largest private
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employer announced last week that it planned $1 billion in budget cuts. the layoffs include 2100 employees who will take early retirement. the employees will find out who will be laid off next month. and traffic and weather right after this. ,,,,,,,,,, ,,
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good morning from the traffic center.
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let's start off on the bay bridge where the metering lights are on and we are seeing a backup at the toll plaza. slow off the eastshore freeway, as well. last check traffic was backed up at least to west grand. we are seeing sluggish conditions across the upper deck working your way into san francisco. in san francisco, new wrecks to report northbound 280 at alemany boulevard. couple of cars involved blocking lanes and traffic is backed up. going to be a beautiful one out there today, warmer temperatures than we saw yesterday and in some places at least we are taking a live look outside in san jose, you can see a little cloud cover but we should clear out nicely by this afternoon. temperatures in those inland spots hitting the 80s today, high 80s. 70s around the bay shores. 60s at the coast. we are going to see sunshine everywhere although a little bit of cloud cover along the coast. warming up more for wednesday and thursday, breaking into the mid-90s, a little cooldown for friday and saturday. so start of next workweek a little cooler starting out into the high 80s. but the week should be gorgeous. enjoy it. ,,
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and welcome back to "the early show," i'm chris wragge along with rebecca jarvis. erica hill taking some women-deserved time off. >> much-needed vacation time. coming up this half hour, $1600 an ounce. that is the price of gold. it has never been this high before in dollar terms. and experts say this is all a sign that investors are losing confidence in the economy, in government, not only here in the ÷ in europe. gold is also something real, it's tangible. you can feel it. you can touch it. as opposed to stocks and bonds and paper money. those are all promises of their value. so gold is a little bit different and we're going to tell you why so many people are buying it, pushing up the price, and also helping people get stuck if they're thinking about buying it themselves. >> if you've got a roomful of gold at home you're doing okay.
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but first the nuclear regulatory commission meets this morning to discuss sweeping new safety regulations. the agency just finished inspecting all 104 nuclear plants in the wake of japan's fukushima disaster. >> armen keteyian is here to tell us what he found at one of those facilities in tennessee. >> good morning. we decided to take a look at the nrc's post-fukushima inspection report at watts bar. it's the last nuclear plant to be licensed in the u.s., and a textbook study of the pros and cons of nuclear power. providing electricity to some 9 million people in seven states, yet dogged with a long history of safety issues and whistle-blower lawsuits. including six by a 71-year-old great grandmother named ann harris. good morning, ann. i'm armen. how are you? walk through the front door of ann harris' house in rural tennessee and you'll meet one of the most unlikely, and feared advocates for nuclear safety.
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>> i began as a clerk in the instrumentation engineering at watts bar in construction on unit one. and i could barely spell nuclear when i went to work. >> reporter: what's the turning point for you? >> basically the books are being cooked. people are saying things are not -- they swear under oath that it's been done, and it hasn't been done. >> reporter: when harris refused to sign a multimillion dollar construction contract riddled with errors, she says tennessee valley authority executives told her, her career was over. instead, it sparked a 28-year crusade. devoted to preventing a nuclear accident. >> you can see a fukushima happening here in the u.s. >> it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of -- >> when. >> reporter: cbs news has obtained a company of his nrc post-fukushima watts bar report dated may 2011. we had two nuclear engineers look at the report. one gave watts bar a "d minus" and called it appalling.
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the other cited what he called more than 40 disturbing findings during a 40-hour inspection, including a lack of emergency responder training. faulty control panels. malfunctioning communications equipment. and issues with portable backup diesel generators. why isn't the nrc pounding on the door of watts bar saying, look, we need these problems fixed? >> i think the fact that there hasn't been a major reactor accident in the united states for over three decades allows the industry and the nrc to become complacent. >> are they just gambling, taking one huge risk with people's lives with these reactors? particularly watts bar? >> well, in some respects it's the biggest poker game in the country. you're playing high stakes poker with american lives. >> i think that's absurd. >> reporter: bill mccollum, chief operating officer of the tva says the nrc's findings are far outweighed by safeguards built in to watts bar. >> we're certainly going to take those seriously, correct those issues, and even beyond that our own reviews of the events in
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japan have shown us that we have opportunities to bring in additional backup equipment that will make our response even more robust. >> reporter: tucked into the foothills of eastern tennessee, watts bar took 23 years to build at a cost of nearly $8 billion. it was shut down in the mid 1980s over an avalanche of safety issues. in 1986 this independent report alone documented more than 5,000 concerns. roger hannah is a top spokesman for the nuclear regulatory commission. >> the nrc treats every single allegation very seriously. doesn't matter what the source, it doesn't matter what the subject. we look at it, we screen those allegations. we have done that for years. all the allegations that were provided over the years at watts bar have been addressed in one way or another. if we had doubts about the ability of tva to operate the watts bar plant safely, we would not allow that plant to operate. >> reporter: you'd shut it down? >> absolutely. >> reporter: to that end, tva
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executives gave us an extensive tour of watts bar's reactor and its twin, watts bar two scheduled to go online next fall. >> these are part of our emergency backup, in case we lose offsite power. >> reporter: they showed us these diesel powered generators. one of four critical backup systems to keep water flowing to the reactor, preventing a meltdown. >> that is the reactor here? >> reporter: and here's the main control room. said to be able to shut down the reactor in less than three seconds. >> tva every five weeks every operator goes through a week of training. >> reporter: you'll have to pardon ann harris if she's heard it all before. she's won a record six whistle-blower lawsuits against watts bar. over issues like millions of feet of faulty electrical cable. says she's paid a price for speaking out. there has certain by been attempts at intimidation, recrimination and really threats on your life? >> yes. they ran me off the road. they wired my car for fire bombing.
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they dropped the universal joint out of my car. >> reporter: harris left the tva in 1997. and says she's still taking late-night calls from whistle blowers. still driven to hold the tva and nrc accountable. standing square in the crosshairs of the nuclear power-to-be. and tomorrow in part two of our report, we'll take a close look, a very close look at the culture war at watts bar. >> incredible to hear her story. >> she's a remarkable woman. >> let's talk about the nrc japan task force. what were their main recommendations? >> they really came up with twelve and they're talking about strengthening what they say are the in-depth measures to the plant. in essence, if there's a fukushima-style disaster, the station blackout. if there is some seismic event, if there's a problem with the fuel rods. in the past, they have been patchwork. and what they really want now, they call it a logical, systematic, coherent set of
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coming up next the battle for libya, as u.s. airmen see it six miles high in the sky. we are going to get an inside look at nato's bombing campaign targeting moammar gadhafi's forces, now for four months right here on "the early show" on cbs. every day you live with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis could be another day you're living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you by asking your rheumatologist about humira. for many adult patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis humira has been proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage.
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humira's use in patients with ra has been evaluated in multiple studies during the past 14 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur such as, infections, lymphoma or other types of cancer, blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make today the day you talk to your rheumatologist. and ask how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira.
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this morning the state department confirmed that u.s. officials met secretly with representatives of libyan leader moammar gadhafi for the first time, delivering a firsthand lo at the fighting from high above. >> reporter: the best way to see how the war in libya is going from 30,000 feet up.
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major general steven schmidt, who's a hands-on commander of nato's awacs fleet. on the outside an awacs is a radar dish with wings. inside it's a sophisticated command center from where a team of specialists control the battlefield below. >> we provide the air picture, and air traffic control surveillance, and that intensity is still there. >> reporter: and it is an intense fight. so far nato planes have flown 15,000 sorties. and unleashed 5600 air strikes on ground forces in libya. but what started off as a mission to stop moammar gadhafi killing his own people has become more of a manhunt. the easy targets are running out fast, and for the european members of nato, so is the cash to pay for more weapons. that means there will be more pressure on the u.s. to take up the slack. >> we're the big boy on the block, you know. we bring the best equipment. we bring the best training. we bring the best force to bear.
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others, you know, are operating, but they're operating on a short leash. >> reporter: american service men made out more than half of the multinational crew on board this flight. what's it like to be part of this mission? >> it's good to know that we're doing the right things for the right people. so, overall, it's a rewarding job. >> reporter: especially on nights like this. when the crew was able to come to the aid of one of the most vulnerable parts of libya, the besieged city of misrata. it's just after midnight, and moments ago pilots identified what they believe to be a surface-to-air missile site near misrata. controllers here guided four f-16 fighter jets to the region, where pilots were then given the go-ahead to drop their bombs. each successful strike against gadhafi's forces is a boost for the rebels fighting them. but even with nato's help, progress has been frustratingly slow. >> we're keeping the pressure on gadhafi and the regime, just like we have from the start, and
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we're going to continue that until we get the job done. >> reporter: for all the might of the combined forces operating over libya, the job isn't done yet. and slowly but surely, nato's resources are being drained by a weak, but stubborn enemy. charlie d'agata, cbs news, off the coast of libya. >> on monday, nato missiles struck a radio antenna at tripoli international airport. nato officials say that antenna was used for military purposes. libya's government says it was for civilian use only. coming up next, we are talking gold. it's getting more expensive, and we're going to tell you why investors still want to own it, even with the price reaching new records. this is "the early show" on cbs. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. you had me at "probiotic."
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what is that? it burns! it's singeing me! woman: i can't see! it's the sun. get out of the office more often with chili's $6 lunch break combos, featuring texas toast half sandwiches. ♪ chili's lunch break combos ♪ [ male announcer ] it can open doors, it can erase boundaries and hold its ground. it can even the score and start a movement. -it can... -[ beatboxing ] [ male announcer ] it can buy time and tell time. shhh. [ baby giggles ] [ male announcer ] we use our mouths in so many ways to open up to the world. after all, life opens up when you do. crest and oral-b. tell us your story at so we made ocean spray cranberry juice cocktail with a splash of lime. it's so refreshing, your taste buds will thank you. mm... oh, you're welcome. what? my taste buds -- they're thanking me. uh-huh.
7:46 am
♪ [ female announcer ] nutri-grain -- one good decision... ♪ ...can lead to another. ♪ ♪ with real fruit, more of the whole grains your body needs, and a good source of fiber. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. a living, breathing intelligence that's helping people rethink how they live. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans,
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many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. ♪ we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's a network of connections and ideas... open and collaborative... extending far beyond the mobile phone. connecting you to a world of intelligent new devices and technologies. from today's best innovators... and tomorrow's. ♪ it's the at&t network... a network of possibilities... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. ♪ welcome back to "the early show" here on a tuesday morning. don't know if you noticed lately but the price of gold has gone right off the charts.
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on monday gold futures settled about $1600 an ounce for the first time ever. rebecca, of course also our cbs news business and economics correspondent conveniently right next to me all morning here, so we've been talking about gold. now it's the big story. i guess the big question, why, why is gold on the rise and has it been on the rice for so many months now? >> gold tends to rise in times of great uncertainty. and it's also a sign that people are losing trust and faith in governments and also currencies. paper money. paper money is one thing. it's a promise from a government to honor that money. to say, this is worth something. gold, people say, doesn't rely on that promise. it has consistently, over the span of time, gone up. however, you're thinking about that going up over the span of time, but there are moments where it also drops down. so it's not something that just goes up. it can fall back, as well. >> those pictures, i guess, like you said you can tangibly touch it. >> you can hold it. >> it's right there before you. are a lot of investors putting a lot of money in gold? is that where you seem to see a lot of the trends moving? >> the trend is moving towards
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putting some money. allocating some money into gold. for anybody who's listening right now and thinking, well, wow, a lot of people on wall street are putting money into gold, maybe i should buy some. the reality is on wall street, in general, people own, in terms of their whole portfolio, all of their savings, what they're setting aside, about 5% to 10% of that money is allocated for gold. so no one's saying go out and buy 100% gold. don't change every single penny you have in gold. >> but if you did want to get in it's a little bit too high to probably get in now, is it not? >> well, it depends on who you're talking to. there are some who say yes. the one important thing is if you want to get into gold, make sure you do it with an honorable operator who sells gold, and sells legit gold. check with the better business bureau before you guy. >> no infomercial gold. we'll be right back. this is "the early show" here on cbs. crispy bacon, rich cheddar cheese and creamy ranch dressing. not even the end of the world will make you put it down. get it before it's gone. and see "transformers: dark of the moon" now in theaters.
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gotta get that bacon! bacon?! bacon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh, la, la... oh, i say, is that bacon?! oh, good heavens! bacon! bacon! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmmmm...i love you. i love bacon. i love you. i love bacon. i love you. [ male announcer ] beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time. and introducing beggin' thick cut. [ hero dog ] i'm gonna need a bigger mouth! and introducing beggin' thick cut.
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learn more about prebiotics and get a free sample at is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda.
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[ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ a 62-year-old wind surfer was found alive about two hours ag good morning. 7:55. i'm grace lee with your cbs 5 news headlines. a 62-year-old windsurfer has been found alive. this happened just about two hours ago after spending 13 hours stranded in the san francisco bay. apparently, her sail broke. the coast guard rescued her near the san mateo bridge. the search began around 7:30 last night when the woman's husband reported her missing near foster city. happy ending there. san jose-based cisco systems is eliminating 6500 jobs. the city's largest private employer is struggling to become more efficient and profitable after several months of disappointing financial results. 4400 workers will be laid off and another 2100 have accepted early retirement offers. it's not clear how many of the
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affected jobs are in silicon valley. the internet gear maker also plans to sell a manufacturing plant in mexico. we have your traffic and weather coming up right after this. [ female announcer ] this is the story of eves. [ eves ] years ago, i hurt my shoulder drag racing. that's when i decided to take it easy, so i took up hang gliding. [ female announcer ] a grandpa who refuses to grow up. [ eves ] the pain was bad, but the thought of not being a hang glider pilot was worse. [ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot. they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you.
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good morning. let's take you to the altamont pass where traffic is business as usual slow and go as you work your way westbound from the altamont pass to 680.
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25 minutes right now. the good news is no accidents through that portion of the road. bay bridge metering lights are still on and traffic is backed up at the toll plaza. but once you past treasure island, traffic is actually pretty clear as you head into san francisco. no delays into oakland. san mateo bridge a great choice this morning, only 16 minutes right now to go between 880 and 101. and the golden gate bridge not bad but still slow south 101 from 37 to 580. that's a look at traffic. here's kristy with your forecast. >> thank you. going to be gorgeous today. finally warming up after we have had a cool week last week although a little gray outside right now still seeing some cloud cover. we should clear out nicely by this afternoon. those highs today looking good. going to make it to the high 80s inland. around the bay we'll see temperatures in the mid-70s. at the coast cooler in the low 60s but we are going to see some sun there. certainly warming up even more on a wednesday and thursday. breaking into those mid-90s. a little cooler into the weekend. start of next week will be nice, as well. temperatures at that point in the high 80s inland.
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welcome back to the "early show" on this tuesday morning. i'm rebecca jarvis with chris wragge. erica hill is off this morning. >> good to have you with us again for this next hour. britain's tabloid telephone hacking growing wider and more serious by the minute. >> rupert murdoch, his son james and a former top member of the company is answering questions from britain's parliament. >> cbs news correspondent michelle miller has more on the biggest challenge ever to this powerful media mogul. >> it all shows lack of good judgment. >> reporter: for days ministers in parliament have called for answers from the man rarely
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forced to answer anyone. this morning, rupert murdoch faced those british lawmakers in a high stakes effort to defend himself and his media empire. but according to a bloomberg report, the 80-year-old ceo is under growing pressure to step down and may be replaced by current coo chase carrey. >> we're in big trouble. criminal investigations they have to go through, they have parliamentary investigations and a lot of shareholders who are really restless. >> reporter: restless because in the two weeks since the phone hacking scandal broke, stock in murdoch's parent company news corp, has dropped nearly 15% a loss of an estimated $6 billion. in 30 year, murdoch transformed a single australian newspaper into the world's second largest media company, worth an estimated $36 billion. news corp owns publishing companies, movie studios and tv
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networks that have produced everything from "avatar" to "the simpsons." for years murdoch's companies have been at the forefront of legal battles alleging wrong doing from bribery to scandal. but this is the first to possibly take down the media titan. >> they have immense power and they weren't afraid to use it. if you cross them, they would come after you. that gave rupert a huge amount of power. >> reporter: the question is will he be able to hold on to it? >> having covered the company for year, i know he's a fighter. he literally has nine lives. >> reporter: murdoch is pledging to cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. joining us now is "vanity fair" contributing editor sara elleson. from what we see in that report, a lot of the edge that murdoch
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and his company have seems to be drifting away here. >> that's a safe statement. this has punctured the myth of murdoch's power. part of the power was they believed he had it. they were afraid of the kind of influence he could have. now all of that is sort of falling away. >> it is even remotely possible that rupert murdoch, james, rebekah brooks didn't know what was going on the whole time? >> remotely possible. it's possible that -- it's possible that rupert didn't know exactly what was going on in terms of definite instances of phone hacking. i find it hard to believe that rebekah brooks, the actual editor of the newspaper -- if someone brings you a story and you have a hot tip on something, the first question you ask is how did we get this? how did we know it? i think that's pretty incredible. the fact that james was willing
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to pay such huge sums to hush this up early on shows that he at least knew there was something wrong, that they should be trying to contain the story. >> who actually takes the fall here when all is said and done? does it have to go straight to the top? is rupert the guy who is going to have to potentially step down, as we said this morning? >> as you mention, there are rumors that that could happen. of course, he owns ands a an enormous amount of control in terms of the shares and the ownership and the voting shares at the company. i think that there's the possibility that there was previously unthinkable that he would step down and become the chairman. that's definitely on the table and definitely possible and we could be hearing that today. >> why have they had such a hard time kind of controlling this scandal? it is just because it's just gotten so out of hand, it's difficult to control something of this magnitudmagnitude? >> i think it's because they resisted doing anything about it for a long period of time. for people who have been paying attention though this, this has been going on for two years, and
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stories of widespread phone hacking. they resisted for such a long time saying it was not the responsibility of anyone but a single rogue reporter. that chipped away at their credibility over the months and years that they've been saying that. now it's out of their control. >> can news corp survive this? >> i think they can survive as an entity and as a company. there are all sorts of rumors will they eventual be split up, et cetera. they certainly aren't going to survive in the same way they had been before. their growth has already been very much kurt ailed by the fact that this they had to drop this huge deal of the b2b tv that they didn't own. so they're already really quarantining themselves to a sort of more dismal future than they had before. >> this seems to keep getting bigger, scotland yard is running out of police officers.
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good to see you. now here's jeff glor at the newsdesk with a check of the other headlines this morning. >> good morning to everyone at home. federal officials are investigating an air traffic controller this morning who failed a blood alcohol test. the veteran controller worked at the denver air route traffic control center in longmont, colorado. the faa says the center handles traffic in nine states. that controller was randomly tested on july 5th. the faa would not disclose the controller's specific blood alcohol, but he has been removed from duty now. kmgh reporting the controller is now in rehab. philadelphia is getting a new roman catholic archbishop. this morning the pope accepted the resignation of justin rigali. he faces allegations that he covered up a long running sexual abuse scandal. good morning to you. >> good morning to you, jeff. this is a pivotal day for the archdiocese of philadelphia. an embattled cardinal steps
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aside for a man who was on a mission to rebuild the church here. archbishop justin rigali came with a reputation as a diplomat, shepherding the flock of catholics soon became more intense. on the day of his installation in 2003 w a pastoral tone in just one sentence, he attempted to set a course for the church he would lead arounden explosive issue. >> it renews its resolves and its efforts for the protection of children against whatever that harmed them, abused them or violates their sacred dignity. >> reporter: rigali, the diplomat, didn't say who would harm them. but within two years the first of two grand jury reports would. and the priest sex abuse crisis that had rocked boston tore at the center of philadelphia's faithful. cardinal rigali tried to carve a
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path through the fire. >> we continued to practice zero tolerance. >> reporter: even with review boards in place and victims assistance expanded, protests with victims seeking justice became more intense. and then just five months ago, the second grand report alleging failures in removing from ministry priests under investigation. >> i personally renew my deep sorrow to victims of sexual abuse in the church. >> reporter: it leaves the philadelphia church looking for a way to heal. now, cardinal rigali will continue in some powerful but low key assignments at the vatican. but his replacement is 66-year-old denver archbishop charles chaput. he'll begin a challenging agenda to bring a disheartened faithful back to the church. he'll be installed as the new archbishop of philadelphia on friday, september 8th. back to you. >> from kyw this morning, pat,
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thank you very much. she posed for her wedding pictures, she posed for another picture. she posed for mug shots in her wedding dress and veil saturday in michigan. yes, a profile shot, too. she was arrested for identity theft after being book and released, she went to her wedding reception. why not? nine minutes past the hour. bob schieffer has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> these days nfl players can make millions but that was not alts always the case. some former players are struggling to live on tiny pensions, now they're fighting for more money. but are aren't players and owners willing to pick up the tab? that story tonight on the "cbs evening news." all right. and now we move over to marysol castro with another che
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>> this weather this weather report sponsored by subway. try the new subway $3 flat bread breakfast combo today. >> thanks so much. that's the latest weather. coming up next, new high tech laser surgery means new hope for many patients with epilepsy. we'll see how it works and fit can help you or a loved one. this is "the early show" on cbs. the new $3 flatbread breakfast combo. [ moos ] a toasty 6-inch flatbread breakfast sandwich and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. all for just $3. [ clucks ] build a breakfast of epic proportions, like the crispalicious bacon, egg, & cheese with everything from juicy tomatoes to zesty jalapenos, for a delicious way to start your day. the new subway $3 flatbread breakfast combo. build your better breakfast today.
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or with uncontrglaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes. talk with your doctor about your medicines, including those for migraine, or if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles, to address a possible life-threatening condition. tell your doctor about alcohol use, liver disease, and before you reduce or stop taking cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. make that first step easier, with the nicoderm cq patch. nicoderm steps you down from nicotine gradually. doubling your chance for success. nicoderm cq. three steps, ten weeks and you're free.
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at cousin everett's blueberry farm, to talk about our blueberry juice drinks. they're made with my sweet, ripe blueberries, picked right from the bush, and they're good for you. taste real good, too! to give you an idea, let's whip up a quick sample. or you could just try this. [ chuckles ] yeah. ocean spray blueberry juice drinks -- real blueberries, real good. in this morning's "healthwatch," new hope for hundreds of thousands of epilepsy patients that comes from a new state-of-the-art surgery, and medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton is here to tell us more. good to see you, jen. >> good morning, rebecca. one in ten americans will suffer some kind of seizure in their lifetime, and one in 100 will have recurrent spontaneous seizures called epilepsy. now, instead of an invasive brain surgery, doctors at texas
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children's hospital are using a new minimally invasive procedure that might offer a better treatment for epilepsy. for the first eight years of his life, kagan disert was crippled with epileptic seeing yours. >> his epilepsy was caused by a brain abnormality or lesion where tissue appears in an unusual place. in this instance an area that produces hormones and affects emotion. for keagan that emotion was laughter. his seizures seen here in home video often appeared as fits of uncontrollable giggling. >> the only laughter seeingen had ever experienced was these seizures. >> keagan was having two or three of the laughing seizures every hour. and he was having several of the bigger seizures with lot loss of awa awareness, consciousness, a day. >> nearly 3 million americans suffer from epilepsy. this includes more than 326,000
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children under the age of 15. >> unfortunately, we can only control seizures with medicine about 60% of the time. so that means that 40% of children and adults are going to continue to have seizures no matter which medicines we use. >> medication wasn't working for seeingen. and his parents didn't want him to endure invasive brain surgery. so in march, doctors at texas children's hospital suggested a new, surgical procedure called a laser on lags technique. >> the laser oblation technique leaves the scalp and the skull essentially intact. and it only requires a small drill hole in the skull. >> surgeons insert a to inny probe into the skull and using a laser they heat up and destroy the lesion causing the epilepsy, while leaving the rest of the brain intact. the procedure took just a few hours, and keagan was out of the hospital in five days. he's been seizure free since. >> first time we'd ever heard him laugh.
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pretty incredible. >> mommy and daddy have a new child. >> what an incredible turn-around for him. >> unbelievable. >> is this kind of procedure something that could work for everyone with epilepsy? >> it's not, rebecca. and i spoke to dr. curry yesterday and he told me that really 30% to 40% of epilepsy cases are due to an area in the brain where there's a localized abnormality or a lesion. those are the candidates for this type of procedure. it's not seizures of unknown cause or where there's multiple areas in the brain. >> sit expensive? how much does it cost? >> actually this procedure is about 25% to 30% less expensive than the open procedure largely because these patients, again, they're out of the hospital much shorter period of time. >> other than a family history, what puts you at increased risk? >> a lot of things can put you at increased risk for a seizure disorder. anything from head injury to head trauma to brain infections like meningitis or encephalitis. stroke or dementia.
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you can even see this in newborn babies sometimes after birth. very exciting work being done in texas children's. >> dr. jennifer ashton as always, thanks. keep watching. this is "the early show" on cbs. sfl "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by one a day women's. the multivitamin with more of by one a day women's. the multivitamin with more of what matters. h makes me feel good about the choices i've made. [ female announcer ] like switching to one a day women's -- a complete multivitamin with calcium and more vitamin d than centrum women's to support bone and breast health. now available in small, easy to swallow petites.
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but they'd rather they disappear. mott's medleys has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass but magically looks and tastes just like the fruit juice kids already love. mott's medleys. invisible vegetables. magical taste.
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well, the name of president ronald reagan has come up many times during the debate over cutting the budget and raising the debt limit. who keeps bringing him up is a little surprising as cbs news senior white house correspondent bill plante tells us this morning. bill, good morning. >> good morning, chris. ronald reagan, of course, was the 20th century's iconic fiscal conservative. but, that never stopped him from compromising with the democrats who ran congress in his day. and that's why today's democrats are invoking his name during the current debate. >> ronald reagan worked with tip o'neill and democrats to cut spending, raise revenues. >> ronald reagan said that there
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were important times for compromise for the good of the country. >> ronald reagan successfully reached agreements with the democratic speaker of the house. >> reporter: the debt ceiling was raised 18 times during president reagan's eight years. in 1983, he wrote the republican senate majority leader, askin for an increase, so the u.s. would not be forced to default on its obligations for the first time in its history. historian david brinkley says it shows that reagan was a pragmatic conservative. >> he knew that we wouldn't be perceived globally as reneging, because it very well might send the world economy spiraling in ugly directions. so reagan is the exact guy the democrats should be quoting over the summer, and they're doing it. >> reporter: not so fast, says ken duberstein, president reagan's last chief of staff. >> he would have said, fight for the principle of no new taxes. if you're going to raise the debt limit, it's the responsible thing to do. but, do it along with massive
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spending cuts, because the country needs it desperately in order to get our economy going and jobs created. >> reporter: and, yes, ronald reagan was willing to compromise, says duberstein. but president obama hasn't built a consensus needed to do the same thing. >> the trouble is that for the first two years, he didn't develop the kind of relationships or trust or confidence that people would say, okay, we'll give him the benefit of the doubt. nor has he sold as reagan did so effectively to the american people. >> reporter: president obama has also invoked president reagan in this context. last week, when he was being pushed by eric cantor to accept a short-term debt limit deal and got a little annoyed, as the story goes, president obama reportedly said, well, president reagan wouldn't sit through this. well, ken duberstein says that reagan actually did when he was getting the same kind of grief from jim wright, who was then the speaker of the house, sat there and just stayed quiet. chris? >> all right.
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cbs' bill plante for us at the white house this morning. bill, thank you very much. we're ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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a windsurfer missing all night in san francisco bay has been found alive and in g 8:25. good morning, i'm grace lee with your news headlines. a windsurfer was rescued in good condition. she is ventured into the bay last night around 5:00 from coyote point. she was found near the san mateo bridge this morning around 6 a.m. a friend of one of the seven fishermen missing off baja, california is going to raise money to for a private dive team to find one of the missing fishermen since july 3. police chief greg suhr will at a town hall meeting in the bayview district tomorrow evening. the subject, last weekend's police shooting in which a 19- year-old from seattle was shot and killed. police say that they have proof
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that the teenager fired at officers first. and an update on your traffic and weather coming right up. out of the porous caverns of grout takes the right tools, but it also takes a gentle, caring touch. before you can deep clean, you learn to get a feel for its trouble spots. and hey, if you can't listen to grout, you can't truly know its wants...its needs...its dreams. ♪call 1-800-steemer. i hang my head out the window. oh man, we're delivering everything you can think of: plywood, cement. i, i enjoy the breeze on my tongue. well uh, and every weekend, seems like we're headin' down to the lake. we're pullin' a boat or somethin'. i don't know why. i just do. it's not a problem. i don't mind as long as we always stop at chevron and get that techron stuff. my ears flop around too. check it out. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car.
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it's hard work; i need a nap. good morning. trouble spot a car on fire north 10 at bayshore. it's pushed out of lanes on 101 out of the road.
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traffic slow on 101 anyway. southbound slow, as well. northbound 680 at crow canyon an accident blocking the roadway. we are busy anyway along 680 in both directions through danville. westbound 580 at greenville new wreck out of lanes over to the right shoulder. still busy through the altamont pass and again sluggish along 680. 880 a little busy northbound heading into oakland. we had an earlier accident this morning backing things up. going to be nice and toasty today in the inland locations. finally seeping the warmup that everybody has been waiting for. cloud cover still in the picture this morning. here's a shot outside in dublin where you can see sunshine breaking through. we'll preventty of that inland later on today so highs for today, high 80s inland. looking at mid-70s in and around the bay shores and at the coast cooler in the low 60s put we will get some sunshine there today and warming up even more for wednesday and thursday. breaking into those mid-90s. a little cooldown into the weekend and then still a warm start for the next workweek.
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and welcome back to "the early show" here on a tuesday morning. the free throw of traffic here in manhattan today. things looking pretty good. going to be hot again here in the northeast. getting a little bit better. marysol mentioned earlier, the rest of the country still have a lot of worries out there. it's so hot in so many parts of the country. we just hope you can stay cool and watch us here on television this morning in the nice, air conditioned confines of your home. >> yeah, exactly. wherever you are, we hope you
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are comfortable. this morning we have a story of four brothers and sisters who've done everything together since they were born. now, they're ready to serve their country together. "early" show contributor karen winter brill introduces us to this extraordinary family. >> reporter: these are the polly quadruplets. well, three of them anyway. the fourth quad, aaron, left monday for basic training in ft. jackson, south carolina. she's enlisted in the national guard. what was it like saying good-bye to your sister? >> i thought i was going to cry. >> reporter: and in just a few months the rest of the quads will follow her lead. joining the guard. >> i want to push myself to do this. i want to do this for me, and for my family. >> reporter: the pollocks are the first-ever quads to be born in burkes county, pennsylvania. in a small town of west lawn. population, 1600. here, neighbors proudly fly the red, white and blue. serving community and country is a pollock family tradition.
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mom kim is a 911 dispatcher. dad jim, a longtime police officer. >> i wanted to be a police officer because of my dad. he kind of inspired me every time he came home in his uniform. >> reporter: he hopes that his training in the national guard will prepare him for the police force. as for his brother brandon -- when you look six months down the road, what do you see? >> probably that i'll change, like the future. >> reporter:s chances of having quadruplets are like lottery odds. about 1 in 500,000. having them all enlist in the military? >> it's definitely a unique situation. >> reporter: the four siblings have been virtually inseparable their entire lives. just two months ago, they graduated high school together. but now, different assignments in the guard mean they'll be apart for the very first time. >> it's like a missing puzzle piece, because there's always -- we're always connected and all four of us were always together. this is going to be the first time that noon of that is
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happening. like we're all going to be separated. >> reporter: the quads all say they're excited. their parents are proud, but nervous. >> you know, i knew this day was coming and i just thought oh, i'll be ready for it. and i wasn't ready this morning when she left. you're crying now. >> it's hard when you're with them for all these years, and then, i feel like i'm losing part of me. >> reporter: after a lifetime together, the pollock quads are about to go their separate ways, united only in service to their country. for "the early show," karen winter brill, cbs news, west lawn, pennsylvania. >> wish them the best. >> absolutely. >> the country is lucky to have them. now here's jeff glor at the news desk with another check of today's headlines. >> good morning, everyone at home. that sweltering heat wave we've been talking about over the central united nations continues moving east. it will likely be rough for many for the rest of this week. in minneapolis yesterday, roads buckled from the extreme
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temperatures. the heat index there hit 106 degrees. phoenix is cleaning up this morning after being coated by a second massive dust storm. there were airline flight delays yesterday because of reduced visibility from that cloud which was 3,000 feet high. two weeks ago, phoenix was hit by a similar storm. a typhoon is approaching japan this morning causing extremely high surf. beach resorts and ports are closed as people brace for winds of more than 120 miles an hour. roads are closed, and many airline flights are canceled. also in japan, a ban on beef was put into effect today because of the possible radiation contamination there. japanese officials say cows ate feed contaminated with radioactive material 500 times higher than safety standards. the animals were near the fukushima plant, which was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami in march. the latest report on housing starts is out this morning, and the commerce department reports that new housing construction in june was up 14.6%.
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thousands of cab drivers in greece went on strike this morning for a second day in a row. they are protesting controversial new austerity measures that make it easier to buy a taxi license. the government is criticizing that strike because it comes during a peak time for tourism. a new report this morning says an traveling at speeds between 2 and 19 miles an hour. the u.s. women's soccer team is back from the world cup this morning. they filed out of a bus in times square last night, you see abby wambach there. go western new york.
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she made some huge goals, and said the fans have raised her spirits. >> we're obviously devastated that we didn't bring home the cup. we felt like we could have won this game. japan was a great team. they played an amazing tournament. they, as a country, i think, deserve winning this world cup. obviously they outlasted us in the penalties. if you're already from western europe you're a winner. japan's dramatic victory sunday was the second most watched women's soccer game ever. heartbreaking to watch. but we congratulate them. they're going to be here in our next half hour for a conversation. should be good stuff. marysol castro has our final check of weather. big soccer fan, as well. >> i'm a big soccer fan. i played rugby. >> look at you, tough girl. yeah. >> work it. >> don't be nervous. good morning, everyone, we'll take a look at the national picture. you can see there's that big bubble of heat. not a whole lot of precipitation all along the central plains. elsewhere in the nation we
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continue to look at heat and severe weather. minneapolis and raleigh, you're really under the gun today for some really, really strong straightline winds. we're also looking at hail and of course we keep an eye on the tornado. rain amounts won't be too significant. probably less than an inch. but this lasts in the afternoon hours, into the overnight hours. elsewhere in the
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>> thanks so much. that's your latest weather. now over to rebecca. >> marysol, thanks. call her a pop music phenom or a one-hit wonder. rebecca black has been the talk of millions since her song friday first appeared on youtube and now she's out to prove that that huge hit was no fluke. we'll speak with her in a moment. but first cbs news correspondent betty nguyen has a look at her latest release. ♪ one moment >> reporter: you may not recognize the song but the singer has generated more buzz online this year than any pop star in the world. my moment, which premiered last night on the internet, is 14-year-old rebecca black's second video.
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a song anticipated by legions of fans, and curious critics. >> it makes her arguably the biggest pop culture sensation of the year. i mean, justin bieber, you know, is getting a run for his money with this. ♪ waking up in the morning there's no way that you're going to be able to review pop music of the past year and not spend a great deal of time thinking about rebecca black friday. >> reporter: friday, black's debut single, was released online in february and instantly went viral. ♪ it's friday friday ♪ gotta get home friday >> reporter: love it or hate it there's no denying its success. with a whopping 167 million hits on youtube, the song and those simple, stuck in your head lyrics, brought black instant fame. and generated 100 comments every single minute on youtube. and is the hottest trending topic on twitter. ♪ that heat includes a firestorm
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of criticism. negative comments vaulted the teen's voice and inexperience, and even included death threats. ♪ hollywood rallied with praise. and parodies. ♪ even amateurs got in on the act. ♪ it's friday friday ♪ >> reporter: but black was game, too. even joining katy perry's spoof "last friday night." >> gives her a little bit of cool factor that she didn't have before. and made people look at her a lot differently. ♪ who says that i will be nothing ♪ ♪ but i'm about to prove you wrong ♪ >> reporter: "my moment" takes a look at her internet fame. and takes aim at her critics. ♪ my one wish to come true >> if the only risk would be if rebecca black starts to take
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herself a little bit too seriously. as long as she continues to have fun, then people are going to continue having fun with her. ♪ my moment >> reporter: betty nguyen, cbs news, new york. ♪ this is my moment >> and so far this morning, my moment has gotten more than 600,000 hits on youtube. >> and rebecca black joins us now from los angeles. rebecca, good morning. >> hey, rebecca. >> hi. good morning. >> good, good to have you with us. i guess the big question a lot of people had was how do you follow up a hit like "friday" that just got so much attention? what was the pressure like in order to come out with something else that could rival that and be as good, be as popular? >> it's hard. because, "friday" was such a hit. and so, to get something you have to find the perfect song that kind of tells off the haters a little bit, but still shows that you're a serious artist. it's hard. >> it is difficult. you talk about telling off the
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haters. how do you deal with some of that negativity? i mean obviously you can put your music out there. but in those private moments what do you turn to? >> my mom has been the best supporter with all of this. she's always supported me, ever since i was a little 2-year-old in dance recitals. so, i mean, it's hard because you have to deal with bullying being a teenager anyways. and now to have the whole world. i mean, that's not normal. so, i mean, luckily, the haters don't have to watch "friday" or "my moment." so they can turn it off if they want. they don't have to hate. but it doesn't bother me anymore. >> just tell the haters off. you just keep being successful. let me ask you something because in the -- in the setup piece they said that you got that cool factor. and i have a friend rebecca who's looking to get that cool factor. what exactly did you do in order to get cool? >> i think it's a combination of
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being with such a big star like katy perry. >> yeah. that will do it. >> and just to have confidence in yourself. that's probably the biggest thing. >> it's tough at your age, though, i mean, you know, being your age is a tough time in anyone's life. how do you -- how do you maintain that confidence and what's your message to your fans in terms of, you know, not dealing with bullying and being confident at this stage in life? >> i think really the best advice that i could ever give is to just not let it ever get to you. i mean, it's okay to be sad about it for a little bit. but don't let it change you permanently. >> what's been the biggest wow factor for you throughout all this? >> probably -- oh, gosh, that's a hard question. all of it has been so amazing. i mean, from working with katy perry to doing funny or die to hosting a party for mtv. it's all insane.
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>> well, take it in stride. hopefully there's a lot more success coming down your way. >> thank you. >> congratulations so far, rebecca. this is a fun story and it's good to kind of watch it kind of go along here. tell those hatest just to, you know, leave you alone. >> stop hating, haters. >> rebecca blank, thanks so much. coming up next, what's next for the -- or next up for the u.s. women after their near-miss at the world cup. we're going to talk to two of the world cup. we're going to talk to two of the stars, amy wambach,,,,,,,,
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this morning the u.s. women's soccer team is back home after just missing its third world cup victory. the team lost to japan on penalty kicks in sunday's world cup final in germany. >> two of the team's top goal scorers are here, abby wambach and lauren cheney. we welcome you both here. i still haven't gotten it over
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yet. have you guys gotten over it yet? >> i think it's going to take a little bit of time for it to really settle in. but the outpouring of support that we've gotten here since we've gotten home to the states has been unbelievable. times square. i mean i went for a walk last night, and i must have gotten stopped 100 times. keep congratulating us. people appreciate what we did. hopefully we inspired a country. the olympics are just around the corner. hopefully we can bring home that gold. >> get revenge. >> for sure. >> is that what you're after? what do you do now to prepare for the olympics and to think about what to do differently this go-around? >> i think that we obviously had a great run in the world cup. and we did a lot of good things and played a lot of good soccer. i think the final game was our best performance. possession oriented. i think we built off of that. i don't think it's negative. a negative thing. and i think we build off of that and we keep going for the olympics. >> we're building on our couch here. jeff glor is joining us now, as well. >> where are you from? >> --
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>> no way. >> marysol. >> soccer brings out a lot of fans. >> did you guys have any idea just how, not how popular, but just how your games had taken this country by storm? i mean, everywhere you went, especially here in new york over the weekend, every minute of the -- i mean that three-hour, i mean every bar in the city was just jammed. >> you know what? it's amazing the kind of reception that -- that we had. the people came out in droves, obviously. and i watched some video footage of people walking out of the bars after we -- we can't pull it out in the penalty shoot-out, and people were literally sad. and depressed. >> yeah. which was just -- dejected. >> i don't know how that -- it came to that. but i think that, this country was so supportive. we got so many great e-mails, text messages. obviously the people came out and supported us through this whole thing. we're just so sorry not to have brought home the world cup. but you know, we did -- we did
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do a lot of things over there. we inspired people, and i think in the end those are the positives that we're going to really take away from this. >> you think, i mean, did they outplay you? >> no. >> no? >> the penalty kick shotout we went into this tournament, so having the goalkeeper from the other team know maybe where some of our shooters were going, it gives them the added advantage. very rarely does a goalkeeper save two penalties in a penalty kick shoot-out. >> what gets you pumped up for the games? because lauren you were saying during the break you are the team deejay. >> i am the team deejay. >> what kind of music are you guys listening to ahead of these games to get pumped? >> we start out slow. we get there early. you have to start out with a little bit of a down, start out slow and then we build up to katy perry and journey, don't stop believing, and a little bit of michael jackson in there. >> -- a little -- >> a what? >> a little want to be starting something? >> oh -- >> got to be starting something. >> oh, okay. more like man in the mirror.
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you know, try to inspire before we go out there. >> now, this is the big question, abby, i know a lot of people want to know are you going to be back for another go-around? >> my mom was telling me maybe this is like, kind of the way that you're supposed to go through your career. maybe you're not supposed to be finished. how can you end on that note, right? so i don't know. we'll see how i'm feeling in four years if i'm capable of walking without crutches. >> yeah. >> i'll be 35 then. >> oh, spring chicken. >> you won't be able to get out of bed. >> i'm more worried about your head. 40% of your goals are done with your head. >> yeah. i'm lucky that i'm still talking in normal sentences. no, we as a team obviously scoring is -- is great. getting balls served in to me by this kid over here, megan, heather, one of the best servers in the world in my opinion. makes my job so much easier. and i don't know, i think that, that scoring with your head is a
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unique ability. something that i've always been good at, and i don't know, i guess i just got -- i was in the right place at the right time during this tournament. >> up, up, and you're hard-headed. >> yeah. >> you know, we thank you guys for -- for coming. we know it's been -- been a difficult couple of days with all the travel and all the commitments you've had. we appreciate talking to you and we're just so darn proud of you. >> thanks to all the people and the fans around the world and this country, especially for all the support. we really needed it. >> the olympics in london right around the corner. gold medal, we'll call it a draw. >> no problem. >> beth of luck. don't forget, abby is back at it up in rochester. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪
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[ woman ] sam begged and pleaded... so i sent him to camp. we'd earned lots of points with our new citi thankyou card... and i put them to good use. he told me about his bunkmates, and how he signs up for every activity. ♪ he even hangs out with the camp director. just like that. [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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this morning the coast guard found a windsurfer who spent all night in san francisco bay. the 62-year-old los altos woman good morning. 8:55. this morning, the coast guard found a windsurfer who had spent all night stranded in san francisco bay. the 62-year-old los altos woman is in good condition. she is heading home and is willing to go back out and windsurfer again. she went out from coyote point late yesterday and spent 13 hours in the water before being rescued around 6 a.m. cisco systems is laying off 6500 people. the san jose-based company plans to cut $1 billion from its fiscal year budget. 2100 employees will take early retirement. that is included in cisco's overall layoff numbers. employees will find out in about two weeks who will be laid off. amazon has a green light to move ahead with an attempt to
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overturn california's online tax collection law. the etailer needs to collect about a half million signatures to get its referendum on the balloted. this could come up for a vote as early as next june. so far they haven't been collecting sales tax traffic and weather right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. let's take you to 101. we have a traffic hotspot as you work your way southbound 101 right at sir francis drake. reports of an accident blocking lanes. you can see on our map we are seeing slow speeds. our sensors are seeing yellow and red there so give yourself some extra time. past that, a little slow approaching the golden gate bridge but not too bad into san francisco. and west 84 at thornton. that's your morning drive. here's kristy with the forecast. >> thanks a lot. going to see nice warm temperatures inland. we have a little cloud cover right now. i know it looks gray but i promise there will be sun later on this afternoon. temperatures inland reaching the mid- to high 80s today. along the bay shores we're going to see highs in the 70s and at the coast in the 60s. sunshine all over the bay area although a little bit of cloud cover hanging out on the coastline today. temperatures warming for wednesday and thursday into the low 90s a little bit of a cooldown for the weekend and a nice start to the next
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workweek, as well. ,, ,,,,,,


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